Job Report Außernzell landfill

BW 226 DI-5 single drum roller with polygonal drum and VARIOCONTROL technology.


AWG Donau-Wald mbH



Außernzell landfill (landfill class II in the Deggendorf district)


Project scope

  • Recompaction of two landfills owned by the operator. Uncontrolled subsidence of the landfill bodies was prevented by eliminating the cavities.
  • Installation materials: Asbestos cement waste, artificial mineral fibres (MMMF refuse), mineral and other road construction waste.
  • Goal: Improved stability and higher compaction density to prolong the lifetime of the landfill.
  • Test operation of the BOMAG BW 226 DI-5 single drum roller on two test sites in the Außernzell landfill. The results were confirmed by identical tests on the Passau-Hellersberg landfill site (class I).


Project date

15 October 2019: Field trial, Außernzell landfill


Machine equipment

  • BOMAG BW 226 DI-5
With an annual tipping volume of approximately 10,000 tonnes and taking into account the current residual volume, the use of the BOMAG BW 226 DI-5 single drum roller extended the life of the Außernzell landfill by roughly 10 years.

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